The University of Haifa has taken multiple measures to ensure the safety of our students. The University has security guards at the entrances to the campus as well as at the entrance to each building. In addition, there is a security guard at the entrance to the dorms 24-hours-a-day. In case of an emergency, the University of Haifa has a crisis management and evacuation plan in place.

Part of the orientation international students are given upon arrival to campus are instructions on how to keep themselves safe while in Israel. We advise all students to register with the embassy of their home country, we require that students rent an Israeli cell phone so that we can reach them at all times, and we ask that they inform us when they choose to travel out of Haifa. All of these measures allow us to know where they are and to be able to give them security updates when necessary.

Because there are places in Israel that may be less safe, and because international students are not always familiar with these areas, we encourage our students to participate in the trips that we offer. All of our trips and tours are organized and run in consultation with the relevant security authorities, including the University's Security Division and the Israeli Police and Defense Forces. Should students decide to travel on their own, we encourage them to consult with International School staff so that we can assist them in planning their trip.

If there is an emergency in Haifa, we immediately contact all of our students to be sure that they are safe. We ask them to contact their families directly, but we will also send out an e-mail to addresses of family and friends that the students have given us. We encourage family and friends at home who are worried about their student to be aware that what you see on television and what may actually be happening in Israel are not always the same. Despite the political situation in the region, Israelis continue to live their lives, including going out to public places and riding buses, and our international students agree that they feel safe in Haifa.